
Series of Unfortunate Dreams

I started reading Haruki Muramaki's "The Wind-up Bird Chronicle" (in Spanish) and after chapter 5 I decided to take a nap. 20 minutes later I was waken up by the phone. After having a short, slightly nonsensical conversation I went back to book. I tried to start reading again. I couldn't do so, because I realized I was dreaming about the book. Mainly, I dreamed with images from the book, and that confused me greatly.

* * *

I wrote an email before taking a 40 minutes nap. I woke up from the nap with the certitude that I received at least 4 emails in reply to the one I sent. Short, one-sentence emails, that I was sure I hear (my email server has an alert) during my dreams. I was even sure of what some of them said. Word by word.

* * *

I took (yet another) 15 minutes nap. I woke with the feeling that I'd waken up before, and that I couldn't move my body, that I felt someone's seating in the sofa (where I've been taking naps today), and that some breeze came out of my window after this. This, of course, was a dream. My windows are not as I remember from the dream.

* * *

This is exactly why I should live with the pain, and stop taking so many aspirins... They make my head go crazzzzy!!! More than six aspirins per day might, indeed, be not so wise after all.


varios said...

lo que necesitas es:

Dormir mas

Tomar menos café

Y definitivamente, dejar las aspirinas

Arely said...

Hm sí. Dormí como 4 horas. Y luego como 6 siestas de minutos. HA. Creo que hasta el té de anís me dejó "dopada". Es casi como si tuviera alucionaciones.

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