
아자아자파이팅 !!!

Chat, chat chat...

Bueno, sí, ¿y qué?

La excepción a la regla.

Solo quiero aclarar que el resultado usual de juventud (aparente), basado en el corte de cabello es un regla con excepciones, como toda regla.. supongo


It is, indeed, all about the hair

I have no problem admitting it's all about the hair, 'cause, you know? it is!

It's all about his hair being curly... but then, how dares he? Straight hair? such boring and predictability feature belongs to hair like mine.. not his.

By the way, it's Mika I'm talking about. Or is it?

I guess it is, unfortunately.

* * *

Moving to a different topic...

Little did she know how far from an end her feelings were.


That would be a really bad thing

This is a really bad thing indeed.

Hating the "!"
Hating the closeness.
Hating the sleeping eyes.
Hating the nervousness (mine too.)

At least trying to.

* * *

Je ne suis pas encore prête. ¿Para qué?


Correo electrónico

Me ausento menos de 4 días y ya tengo 91 correos sin leer... me pregunto ¿cuántos acumularé en mis vacaciones?

Nota para mí: Ya necesito vacaciones.