
The educator

It's said, it's rumored, it's asserted in the classrooms and at the graduation parties by somebody, or a number of students in the know that Arely Cortes is a charming* educator. Or at least an excellent educator. Or a helpful educator, effective. Or simply, but really, an educator.

The word reaches Arely and it makes her happy. How wonderful! I'm an educator. I'm an awesome educator. I'm a charming educator.

Convinced of it, she goes out** into the Physics department, or goes home. Convinced of it. But nobody in the Physics department realizes that she's an educator, and even fewer at home***. Why don't educators have a star on the forehead, or shine in some visible way, or have a ray coming out of their ears?

My God, Arely said. I have to be a daughter, or a friend, or study for the QUAL like anybody else, or sleep, like anybody else. A Grad student.

That's it, Arely said. I'm not an educator, I'm a Grad student.

And at that she lies on the bed with the sweet happiness of contentment.

Y si alguien sabe de donde saqué la idea original de este texto (i.e. quien escribió esto con un ligero cambio de palabras), please feel free to post a comment with the answer. La primera persona que publique la respuesta correcta ganará 25 puntos canjeables por un chicloso de plátano o un dulce de menta cubierto de chocolate con valor de 15 centavos de dólar.

*Please note that Arely being an outstanding educator is not confirmed... yet.
**Out of her office... into the physics department... does it make any sense?
*** Specially if you consider that she lives alone and 0 is always less than or equal to any number from a set of positive, greater than or equal to zero numbers.

P.S. Thanks Mr. Merwin.

Alguien deberia quejarse por la desastrosa mezcla de idiomas que estoy haciendo. ¡Un momento! yo hice una prohibición al respecto... Ok Never mind!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Heme aquí, ignorante, pues en realidad no recuerdo haber leído texto alguno similar al tuyo... pero escribo porque, lejos de encontrar sacrílega la mezcla de idiomas que haces, me parece que es una herramienta que hace dinámica la lectura.

Y con respecto a ser una "charming educator": ¡enhorabuena!

Juan Jesús.

P.D. No olvides enviar la lista de los mejores profesores cuando sea publicada, ¿okas?