
Negro (oscuro)

O blanco. Claro. (como en "claaaaro".)

This is the point of no return. Or maybe I just want to say that there's no turning back. No return. I rather catch my future, or run away from my past (definitively not towards it... except in that other case, which is intrinsically different.)

Or not.

* * *

Sin excusas.

* * *

I wish I wrote like him. Borges, I mean.

* * *

By the way, today is Thursday. Why did I created this post on Monday? (Or I should say, how did I come up with this title, without any ideas for the post?)


oz_tomoki said...


Anonymous said...

el parrafo sono taaaan matrix
Morpheus: This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the blue pill - the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe...

ayer leia a borges.. bueno solo el cuento de la casa de asterion, me gusta mucho (algunas veces me identifico con ese tipo de soledad)

Arely said...

Ah bien... aunque no taaan pensaba en Matrix.. pero chido!

Habría que leerlo 14 veces para entoncer reconocerla como nuestra. Enteramente nuestra.

Uno de los cuentos de Borges que más he disfrutado es "Ruinas Circulares", de Ficciones.. ojalá tengas oportunidad de leerlo. =)