
On translation

I started reading hard-boiled wonderland and the end of the world, by Murakami. I actually bought this book quite some time ago. (and then I don't have anything relevant to say on that).

The point is, this is the first time I read an English translation of Murakami. So far, I'd read Spanish translations (and by Spanish I mean, European). I sure didn't love the other translation (mainly 'cause it didn't sound entirely like standard Spanish), but I "enjoyed" the effort of the translator to maintain the essence of the Japanese language. I mean, sometimes a direct translation might sound awkward (and it sure isn't good) but it reminds you the original was written in a language were the form modifies the meaning (as in every language you might say). So, again, my point is, the translation sounded funny, but it kept some (most) of the Japanese background. Now, the (English) translation might better as a translation (as reading doesn't feel funny), but it feels I'm reading someone else.

Now, I read some lines and I can't imagine a Japanese saying that. I sure imagined a Japanese saying some of the lines I read in the Spanish translation.

I'm just saying.

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