
Maybe not so wasted...

Maybe, these two years haven't been wasted after all... It's just a matter of looking in the least expected place...

Things to be thankful for:
- A card that says: "10 things to be thankful for"
- A piece of Mexico brought for me.
- An I-couldn't-help-it hug.
- A piece of I-want-you-to-try cake.

My students. I should be thankful for my students, and the many different ways they made each of my semesters worth.
*  *  *

This doesn't mean that I'm not wrong... it just means that I'm not that wrong... or at least I can find someone here who thinks that the world is slightly different because of me.. even if their reasons are questionable.


Anonymous said...

es mi imaginacion o este blog está muy emo ultimamente? (a lo mejor siempre ha sido asi y apenas lo vengo notando)

no es critica, a mi me da 'emez' por etapas de repente jajaja...

greetings and cheer up!

varios said...


Cuando tengas tiempo o estes aburrida, ve esta serie:

ES genial, es sobre unos fisicos.

Te vas a reir.


Arely said...

Hahahaha "emez"... me encantó el término. Me parece prudente aclarar que no tiene nada que ver con Eme... hm... hahaha... en fin... creo que si me dio algo de emez por uno días.. de cualquier modo no creo tener el estilo emésico del todo....