
I am slowly coming to the understanding of what is really going to happen.

You can't have it all.

No importa cuanto deseas lo otro, cuando solo has trabajado por esto.

Better to know now.

* * *

Another heart must be broken.


Anonymous said...

but what if the rest of the hearts are already broken? must we re-break them?

after all it's them or me, you know..

Arely said...

Cuando escribí esa última línea quería darle dos significados. Romper un corazón ajeno, para salvar el mío. "Otro", en oposión al mío. Romper un corazón más, pensando en los corazones que ya se han roto.

Creo que tu supiste leer los dos significados.

Although, I never actually thought of that... what if the heart I want to break is already broken?.. what if that heart is my own?