
I've assumed it'd find me

Aún con muchas pretenciones. Si no estuviera...

* * *

By now, it probably stopped looking for me.


HoanHesuusu said...

Life is not what you get, but what you do about it...

... I've come to this conclusion, and yet I'm so used to the other way I keep dreaming.

Don't do it. Look for it:

Si la montaña no viene a Mahoma, Mahoma va a la montaña.

Luv ya.

Arely said...

I believe it's not about what life is (or isn't) but about who you are (or aren't)...

and all the things I haven't done... waiting is equivalent to not doing...

or is it? hehehe

HoanHesuusu said...

Life has only meaning by who lives it, so life and who one is are just the same thing to me... Don't you agree?

By the way, I'd like to re-express my last saying (writing): I think the way I wrote it wasn't efficient enough. Now, I'd rather write:

Life is not what it gives to you, but what you do to get it.

Arely said...

Hm.. I'm afraid I no longer (completely) agree with you.. I've done nothing to get (deserve) things I've gotten from life...

Life might be what you do with what's given to you.. but you certainly don't get what you want/deserve/look for etc...

And still... I might be a mere observer of my life. My life might be as great as it is, but this doesn't make me any better.

Ups.. esto se esta poniendo bizarro y exótico... =P

(Te quiero..!)